【同义词辨析】 2019-05-15 贪吃voracious-rapacious

voracious: applies especially to habitual gorging WITH what satisfies an appetite: teenagers are often ~ eaters.  gorge大吃,吃到哽噎爆裂implies glutting to the point of bursting and choking吃撑到好像要哽噎爆裂,如gorged themselves with chocolate他们大吃巧克力,glut出现在下一个词,表示大吃到哽噎implies an overeating that chokes and impedes,如bookstores glutted with diet books书店充斥着减肥书)

gluttonous: applies to delight in eating or acquiring things especially beyond the point of necessity or satiety: an admiral who had a ~ appetite for glory.     (satiety是satiate的名词,表示完全满足甚至过度满足implies complete or even excessive satisfaction,如the movie satiated their appetite for violence那部电影满足了他们对暴力的胃口)

ravenous: implies excessive hunger and suggests violent or grasping methods of dealing with whatever satisfies an appetite: football practice usually gives them ~ appetites.

rapacious: often suggests excessive and utterly selfish acquisitiveness or avarice: ~ land developers indifferent to the ruination of the environment.   avarice贪婪成性,指痴迷于储藏财富、并强烈暗示吝啬implies obsessive acquisitiveness especially of hoardable wealth and strongly suggests stinginess,如avaricious thrift that left them morally bankrupt贪婪成性的吝啬使他们道德破产) (:抓取;攫取: 掠夺,acquisitive和grasping都有攫取的意思)

voracious大吃的: 常指习惯性吃很多东西,gluttonous贪婪贪吃: 指乐于贪食获取超出必要满足界限,ravenous狂吃: 表示非常饥饿,好像要狂抓食物,rapacious贪婪: 表示完全自私贪婪攫取

记忆方法: 1)首字母VGRR喂个肉肉<==贪吃

         2)贪吃的意思是过度贪婪mean excessively greedy.